Recovery Is As Important As The Exercise You Do!

Recovery Is As Important As The Exercise You Do!

Recovery Is As Important As The Exercise You Do! Stop feeling guilty for a rest between sets, taking a break between exercises, and/or taking a rest day or more during the week. I used to think the quicker I got through my workout the better I was. I would judge other...
Power Up: The 5 Benefits of Resistance Training

Power Up: The 5 Benefits of Resistance Training

The 5 Benefits of Resistance Training I long held a view that resistance training or weights training would lead to getting big and bulky so I avoided it for a long time, and this seems to be a common held belief. When I am meeting with someone for the first time and...
Hello And Welcome To This Blog

Hello And Welcome To This Blog

My name is Tamara, and I am the owner of My Path Forward. I originally started My Path Forward as a career coaching business, though I made a big shift to personal training and coaching when I was caring for my Gran, as I saw there was a big need for the conversations...